At each Divine Liturgy we offer ourselves and all creation to God with the words, “Your own gifts, of Your own, we offer to You.” We acknowledge that our Lord has blessed us with all that we have – our opportunities, our health, our families, our possessions, our wealth. While we possess these gifts, we do not own them. God has entrusted His gifts to us as Stewards; we are called upon to manage His gifts for both our personal welfare and for the perpetuation of His work.
When we give to the Church, we return to God, the Owner, His rightful portion of our blessings in the form of our Time, Talent and Treasure. Our Stewardship Ministry is our opportunity to respond to Christ’s love with acts of thanksgiving and praise. The more we are given, the more that is expected of us. "Those to whom much is given, much is expected." Luke 12:48
Whether a one-time gift, or regular and consistent giving, our Stewardship contribution to the Church should reflect the Lord's generosity to us personally. In addition, supporting the Church should be a priority for every Orthodox Christian; we should offer the first fruits of our income, for these fruits are the best of what we can offer.
One of the most important gifts entrusted to our care is our beloved St. Katherine - -and not just our buildings and operations-- but our clergy and the mission of our parish. Our parish and its parishioners are called to love God and our neighbors and to proclaim Christ through worship and praise. We are stewards of St. Katherine, charged with the responsibility to care for, to minister from, to strengthen, and to preserve for future generations. Stewardship places this responsibility where it belongs, on us!
Safely and Securely Offer your 2025 Annual St. Katherine Stewardship Online:
Create your 2025 Pledge Commitment by clicking the Pledge Form button. Complete the requested fields and save your Pledge Form.
“Before you Go” - You will be able to fulfill your pledge by checking the box and returning to the Stewardship Giving button.
3. The Stewardship Giving button allows you to set the amount and frequency of your Stewardship offering, your preferred method of payment (credit card or electronic fund transfer from your bank/ACH). Complete, save and submit your contact information and the payment data requested.
4. Kindly consider helping to defray credit card processing fees ~ this additional payment is considered tax deductible and will be deemed an additional stewardship donation
Print the 2025 Pledge Commitment Card form below,
Complete the requested information, and
Return this Commitment Card with your payment to St. Katherine, either by mail or placing the completed card and your payment in the Sunday Collection or Candle Tray.
So that we may maintain an accurate parishioner database and knowing that an individual's individual’s financial situation may change from year to year, we ask that you submit a new Stewardship Pledge Form every calendar year.
You must become a steward of St. Katherine in order to participate in any of the ministries of our of Church, including all Youth Ministry Programs.
WHAT is the significance of Membership?Membership in the Orthodox Church begins at baptism (Chrismation, for some) and continues throughout life. We are united with Christ through the sacraments, or mysteries of the Church and through our faithful offering of our entire selves to Jesus Christ. Our Archdiocese requires each parish to distinguish between voting members and non-voting members. A voting member is over 18 years of age, offers a signed stewardship commitment card, and commits a portion of time, talent, and treasure to the Church. The Archdiocese also requires the voting member to remain current throughout the year on their commitments. True membership in the Body of Christ involves living according to His word and within His Church.
HOW do I become a Steward of St. Katherine?A baptized or Chrismated Orthodox Christian who is actively engaged in our Parish becomes a Steward of our Church by offering and fulfilling an annual Stewardship Pledge. Stewardship can be fulfilled by mailing a completed Pledge Commitment Card with your payment to the Parish Office. Alternatively, you can pledge and fulfill your annual Stewardship ONLINE. Complete the online Pledge Form, and then submit your online payment via the Stewardship Giving Form.
WHY must I commit to give a specific amount?Please know that your stewardship of money is confidential. The Parish council treasurer compiles anticipated giving from parishioners in preparation of the annual budget. In order to maintain an accurate parishioner data base and realizing that a individual's financial situation may change from year-to-year, we ask that you submit a new Stewardship Pledge Form each calendar year.
WHAT does my pledge and stewardship giving cover?Your Stewardship pledge and giving cover your annual Parish Membership commitment. Our Stewardship Giving needs to continue in order to fund the operations of the church and its ministries. Your Stewardship is vital as it helps to: Provide liturgical services and sacraments Provide spiritual counseling, visitations to the hospitalized and shut-ins, and otherwise support the calling of the clergy on a 24-hour basis Minister to the community outside of our Church walls and to those in need Support those who serve us Expand youth, education and outreach services Maintain our Church grounds and buildings that provide a place to worship, learn and gather for fellowship Support our Church's expenses on a Parish, Metropolis and Archdiocesan level Stewardship is separate and apart from special offerings or contribution to projects, such as the Capital Campaign, Iconography or philanthropic outreach.
HOW MUCH should I give in stewardship to St. Katherine?St. Katherine is experiencing dramatic growth--spiritually, physically and in fellowship which increases the financial need to support our Church and its ministries. As a guideline please consider offering Stewardship in the amount of $2000 annually, or $165 per month. We offer this recommendation to help match your resources with the needs of our parish. We acknowledge that some of us may struggle to meet this suggested Stewardship amount, while others are able to far exceed it. We prayerfully ask that you give as much as you can so that St. Katherine can continue to flourish. Your gift makes a difference, no matter the amount. Your offering is what you decide it to be. There is no minimum amount.
SHOULD I give one annual payment or offer recurring payments?It is your decision as to the frequency of your payments. Please consider recurring payments; this is a great way to manage your charitable giving without worrying about missing a payment - you set the amount, the frequency, the method of giving (credit card or ACH). Your gift continues to give over time.
WHAT is the Stewardship Giving cycle?The Stewardship Campaign for the next calendar year begins in the month of December. At that time, all our members will be invited to pledge their "fair share" in support of our church for the upcoming calendar year. Payments toward the pledges will begin on January 1 of each year.
WHAT if I cannot fulfill my stewardship commitment?During the year, circumstances change. Your stewardship is valued because it is made out of love for God and His church. Please do not be concerned if you are unable to meet your stewardship commitment - we are glad you are part of our parish.