The Agape Charities ministry was created by St. Katherine parishioners in 2014 as a means of supporting the charitable work and outreach of St. Katherine Greek Orthodox Church with human and financial resources.
Since then, its fund has grown through private donations and the receipt of the net proceeds of our Greek Festival banner sales, allowing us to help dozens of people and worthy causes realize God's love.
Recipients of time, talent and treasure (among many) have included Habitat for Humanity (building four homes), St. Matthew's House, International Christian Charities (IOCC), Barbara's Friends, the Orthodox Christian Prison Ministry (OCPM), and the Orthodox Christian Mission Center (OCMC).
We exist to heal and bring joy to people in need by sharing God’s love!
About Our Logo
Our logo, a wheel made of interconnecting hearts forming eight right-angled spokes and a beautifully centered cross, represents the wheeled device used to intimidate Saint Katherine into denying her faith in the Lord Jesus.
Wise and courageous beyond her 19 years, the young Katherine instead persuaded her 50 philosopher debate challengers into becoming Christians.
The hearts remind us that God offers everyone His unconditional love.
He has compassion upon the poor and needy, and He expects us to do the same.
The eight spokes formed from the hearts represent both righteous living and the “eighth day of creation”, Sunday (Greek: “Kyriaki”, lit. “The Lord’s Day”), the day of the Resurrection.
The central cross reminds us that, “faith, hope and love abide, but the greatest of these is love.”
1 Cor. 13:13
We pray that you will join with Agape Charities in sharing God’s love with everyone in need.